


As Believers, we want to connect with YHVH (God) in a way that empowers us to love YHVH (God), love people and love life. And we also believe that our faith grows when we do this on a consistent, daily basis through prayer and devotional time. Below is a list of resources and thoughts on connecting daily with YHVH (God), whether you just began a relationship with Yeshua (Jesus), are growing in Mashiach (Christ), or are wanting to elevate your relationship with Him. Here are some ways to connect:


1. Find a consistent time each day to pray and read the Word. Maybe you begin your day with prayer, or have a time set aside before you go to bed at night.


2. Focus on the quality of time and not the quantity of time you devote to prayer and Bible reading. Spend 5-10 minutes each day praying, thanking and praising YHVH (God), as well as inviting the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you throughout the day. Ask for His provision and wisdom for your everyday circumstances.


3.Read a devotional or a Bible verse or passage to focus on for the day. We have a daily reading program called: Read, Pray, Worship.


4.   Ask YHVH (God) to show you how to apply what you read to your everyday life. Perhaps, begin by reading the Gospel Mattiyahu (Matthew) or Luke.


5. If you would like to further develop your daily prayer and devotional time, attend a Bible Study class on Wednesday nights that focuses on Bible topics. Also, we have a deeper level Hebrew Class Tuesday nights. You will have an opportunity to learn how to study the Bible through different methods, and to continue to become more familiar with the Bible and Hebrew.


6. Invest in resources that will develop your prayer and devotional. Listen to spiritual worship & praise music. Our praise team, The Cathedral Voices have created several CDs that uplift the name of Yeshua and tell of His promises in song. Visit the online Media Ministry for resources and tools.


7. Hang with other believers and form uplifting relationships.


8. Serve in a group that will provide purpose.