Troas Singles Ministry
Every 4th Tuesday Night at 7:30 PM
TROAS (Troe-Ahz) is the City where the apostle Shaul (Paul) discovered his ministry and purpose.
Our purpose…
The purpose of this ministry is to provide a spiritually healthy and safe place where single adults can study the Word, fellowship and serve YHVH (God) (God) together during this season of singleness. YHVH (God), in His love, has given us wonderful tools to instruct and empower every believer in every season and situation of life. He has given us His Word which is completely sufficient to instruct us in every area of our lives, including specific principles on singleness. YHVH (God) has also given us, the believer, His Holy Spirit to guide and empower us to fulfill our purpose in every area and season of our lives.
The Troas ministry focuses on the study of YHVH (God)’s (God’s) Word with the application to Godly living generally and singleness specifically. Many opportunities are provided to make the most of this season to serve YHVH (God), as it says in 1 Corinthians 7, “without distraction”. In a contemporary format, Troas members meet weekly at Troas Connect Bible Cafe as we discuss the Word and our Yeshua (Jesus) lifestyle. There will be activities, spiritual retreats and services, all designed to inspire our mission in this latter day ministry. These times are usually started and ended in prayer, along with a devotion in YHVH (God)’s Word to keep our focus on Him; because even in fun, we are called to bring glory to His name (1 Corinthians 6:20, Col 3:17).
What if I am a Single Parent?
All Single adults 25+ years and older, including single parents, are welcome, and we do provide children’s ministry. Many, though not all, of the biblical principles that apply to singles also apply to single parents (i.e. courtship, service, primacy of YHVH (God) and His Word). The Single is given the instruction in 1 Corinthians 7 “to serve the Lord without the distraction of a spouse.” Although single parents do not have spouses, they do have the extremely important ministry of children which is second only to the ministry of their own relationships with YHVH (God). While it is important for single parents to serve in ministry, they must always be cautious not to become distracted and neglect the ministry toward their children. Since there are many exhortations for singles to make the most of this season to serve YHVH (God), single parents must always prayerfully consider what to participate in to appropriately steward the ministries in their lives. You will find that many single parents take their children to serve (or service) with them. It is a great opportunity for them to disciple their children, show them the joy of serving YHVH (God) and spend time together (Deuteronomy 6:4-7, Ephesians 6:4).